Narcotics officer offers video on how to conceal drugs

Strange, but apparently a true story:

As a drug officer, [Barry] Cooper said, he made more than 800 drug arrests and seized more than 50 vehicles and $500,000 in cash and assets.

“He was even better than he says he was,” said Tom Finley, Cooper’s former boss on a West Texas drug task force and now a private investigator in Midland. “He was probably the best narcotics officer in the state and maybe the country during his time with the task force.”

But now that he has retired from being paid to find drugs, he has taken up a different cause:

Cooper, who said he favors the legalization of marijuana, made the video in part because he believes the nation’s fight against drugs is a waste of resources. Busting marijuana users fills up prisons with nonviolent offenders, he said.

“My main motivation in all of this is to teach Americans their civil liberties and what drives me in this is injustice and unfairness in our system,” Cooper told the newspaper.

Of course he has critics:

[Richard Sanders, an agent with the Tyler Drug Enforcement Agency, said] “…for him to go to the dark side and do this is infuriating.”

Smith County Deputy Constable Mark Waters, a narcotics officer, said the video is insulting to law enforcement officials.

“This is a slap in the face to all that we do to uphold the laws and keep the public safe,” he said.

Hmmm, but what if you have an informed, perhaps even expert, opinion of what constitutes “safe” with regard to narcotics, as Cooper apparently does? I would have found it more encouraging if his critics had responded to his point about putting nonviolent offenders in jail, rather than trying to demonize him (“the dark side”) and sensationalize his actions (“slap in the face”). After all, you might say while he was the best officer for finding drugs, he disagreed with how offenders were treated or handled. Perhaps he even discovered that the post-discovery enforcement was doing more harm than good? If he is such an expert in narcotics work and he says his work was actually making neighborhoods less safe rather than more (diminishing civil liberties) how does that constitute the dark side? I mean it is not like he is trying to say it is ok to conceal alcohol abuse or a history of shirking public service and accountability for disasters while serving in public office. Now those issues seem more like a slap in the face, and you don’t see Texas law enforcement crying out much about them…


I’m not a fan of the term. I can’t put my finger on it exactly, but maybe it has something to do with the violent and destructive nature of storms. Granted, storms do have a lot to do with growth, but I’m thinking the greater the storm (more power) the bigger the destructive nature of them. Or maybe I think allowing people to suggest and listen to ideas shouldn’t require a special session.

In either case I have just noticed there are Brainstorming branches, but I am not sure how to rank them in terms of their “transformational” (sounds better than destructive) force:

there are many variants of Brainstorming, although the basic rules are the same.

* Classic Brainstorming goes over the typical rules and method of brainstorming. Others include;
* Rawlinson Brainstorming
* Imaginary Brainstorming
* Trigger Sessions
* Brainwriting

Now when someone says “let’s Brainstorm” I can respond “Rawlinson, Classic or Imaginary?”. That’s probably better than my usual urge to ask “African or European?”

Threat to traditional values

Is this the Macaca incident part deux? Virginia Representative Virgil H. Goode Jr. has opened his mouth and stuffed his foot firmly inside. How much more un-American can you be than to issue this kind of warning?

I fear that in the next century we will have many more Muslims in the United States if we do not adopt the strict immigration policies that I believe are necessary to preserve the values and beliefs traditional to the United States of America and to prevent our resources from being swamped.

His website gives details on how to contact him directly to complain. Or perhaps you might want to point out the real threat to the nation’s values are the closed-minded intolerant folks and lying cheats who try and find scapegoats.

If Goode needs to bellyache, perhaps he could highlight the defeat of men like Congressman Don Sherwood this past November:

A Republican congressman accused of abusing his ex-mistress agreed to pay her about $500,000 (€390,000) in a settlement last year that contained a powerful incentive for her to keep quiet until after election day, a person familiar with the terms of the deal told The Associated Press.

Congressman Don Sherwood is locked in a tight re-election race against a Democratic opponent who has seized on the four-term congressman’s relationship with the woman. Republicans are struggling to hold onto power in Congress in the Nov. 7 elections, and President George W. Bush recently campaigned for Sherwood.

Sherwood, a 65-year-old married father of three who is considered a family-values conservative, had one of the safest seats in Congress until Cynthia Ore sued him in June 2005, alleging he physically abused her throughout their five-year affair.

Or is Goode afraid to take a stand against lying, cheating and manipulative members of government for fear of having a platform that is too controversial?

If he wants to come to terms with the true threats to his nation’s values, like George Allen, perhaps he should first take a long hard look in the mirror. I mean when it comes to someone who calls upon “tradition” do you really want Goode as a leader? Consider this analysis of Goode’s loyalties:

This is no story of a man without a party, a representative as solid as a rock in an ever-changing political world. Virgil Goode is a turncoat, plain and simple — he’s available to the highest bidder.

And then, in August of this year, the heat headed towards Goode based on some rather shady financial dealings:

Mitchell Wade is giving Jack Abramoff a run for his money in the headlines department. Wade, he of the Duke Cunningham bribery scandal, has also had questionable dealings with Reps. Katherine Harris (R-FL) and Virgil Goode (R-VA). It’s Goode that we’re concerned with now.

Company of Cunningham and Harris? Interesting. I also can’t help but notice he has been rated as a 100% regressive unAmerican by the Vote Record and Cosponsorship site. It is not hard to understand why, if you read some of the details:

Regressive, destructive, and downright unAmerican actions Rep. Goode has taken that contribute to a RCS of 100:


The way that U.S. citizenship works is pretty simple when you get down to it: if you are born in this country, you are a citizen. Leave it to Representative Virgil Goode to come up with a way to change that. Representative Goode has thrown support behind H.R. 698, which would deny citizenship to American-born babies if their parents aren’t themselves citizens. Such a change would move us toward the German model of citizenship, in which families who have lived in Germany for generations were denied citizenship because they lacked the so-called “virtue” of a German bloodline.

Even more bizarrely under this bill, if a baby is born in America of a father who is a citizen and a mother who is not, the baby is denied American citizenship if the father and mother are not married. Yes, you are reading that right — the Republicans even want to deny babies citizenship when the father is himself a citizen. How extreme. How xenophobic. How simply unacceptable.

Ouch. And a little more research found that the co-sponsor of this bill explained himself this way:

“If you’re coming here illegally, you shouldn’t be benefiting from it,” [co-sponsor, Rep. Gary Miller, R-CA] said. “If I rob a bank, and left some money to my kids, should they be allowed to keep it?”

Fitting analogy from someone who serves on the House Financial Services Committee. Too bad he’s so incredibly off-base with his analysis, and also too bad he’s being accused of using his office for personal profit. It will be a real shame for his children and his children’s children if he is convicted. Maybe these new allegations will slow him down a bit before he proposes that Homeland Security scan records for criminal activity in your family going back two generations and then penalize the entire family for the crime? Imagine what happens when your grandparent can’t find (or never had!) a birth certificate or immigration papers? Sorry, your entire family will have to leave the country now. And then maybe he’ll just advocate that the US create an official profile for suspicious or “potentially illegal” people and come up with a “solution”….

Incidentally, Miller used to run the G. Miller Development company in the 1970s. Wonder how many people with foreign ancestry he relied upon in Whittier, CA (Los Angeles) to get his career started? And I am absolutely sure he does not count people who lived in the area prior to its annexation by America as “native”.

Major ancestry groups reported by Whittier residents include:
· Mexican – 46%
· German – 8%
· English – 7%
· Other Hispanic or Latino – 7%
· Irish – 6%
· Italian – 4%
· French (except Basque) – 2%
· Central American: – 2%
· Scottish – 2%
· American Indian tribes, specified – 1%
· Black or African American – 1%
· Dutch – 1%
· Polish – 1%
· Japanese – 1%
· Filipino – 1%
· Swedish – 1%
· Norwegian – 1%
· Scotch-Irish – 1%
· Russian – 1%
· Armenian – 1%
· Chinese, except Taiwanese – 1%
· Salvadoran – 1%
· Spanish – 1%
· Danish – 1%
· South American – 1%
· European – 1%

Nonetheless, I have to ask who traditionally lived there?

Inhabited by indigenous people for millennia, California was first colonized by the Spanish in 1769, and after Mexican independence in 1821, continued as part of Mexico. Following a brief period as the independent California Republic in 1846, California was annexed by the United States that same year, and was admitted to the Union as the thirty-first state on September 9, 1850.

Ok, anyone who can not prove their Mexican/Spanish/indigenous descent, Congressman Miller and Goode say that your non-traditional “Bear Flagger” ancestors did bad things (like illegally settling the area and starting a revolt and secession movement — robbing Mexico of the territory) so you have to leave now. Hmmm, any chance Miller will follow his own advice and leave California? But who would allow such a staunch opponent of immigration to immigrate?