Are Insiders the Bigger Threat?

I find it unbelievable people still pose this question. Over the years the data on incidents has been used to suggest that outside attacks on companies are a bigger threat, or inside attacks, but somehow in the fray some people have been led to believe that they can still operate with the “candy model” — hard on the outside soft on the inside.

Some recent news stories have provided fertile evidence of why so-called insiders are as big, if not bigger, threats to system security.

A company that is serious about investigating incidents will know that the more successful they become the more porous their perimeter, and so internal vigilance and controls are essential elements of their very identity.

First, a story of a neo-Nazi group recently tracked down in Israel, based on complaints from victims:

Police discovered the skinhead ring after investigating the desecration of two synagogues that were sprayed with swastikas in the central Israeli city of Petah Tikva more than a year ago, Rosenfeld said.

Police computer experts have determined they maintained contacts with neo-Nazi groups abroad, and materials seized include a German-language video about neo-Nazis in the U.S.

Where was the gap in the perimeter control?

Under Israeli law, a person can claim citizenship if a parent or grandparent has Jewish roots. Authorities say that formulation allowed many Soviets with questionable ties to Judaism to immigrate here after the Soviet Union disintegrated. About 1 million Soviets moved here in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

[police spokesman Micky ] Rosenfeld said all the suspects had “parents or grandparents who were Jewish in one way or another.”


Amos Herman, an official with the semiofficial Jewish Agency, which works on behalf of the government to encourage immigration to Israel, said the phenomenon was not representative of the Russian immigration.

He called the gang a group of frustrated, disgruntled youths trying to strike at the nation’s most sensitive core.

“We thought that it would never happen here, but it has and we have to deal with it,” he said.

Many companies with a comparable situation, when insiders do the unthinkable and essentially turn against their own identity, are highly unlikely to ever reveal or acknowledge the problem let alone discuss it openly in the news.

Next, consider the blog chatter that the GOP has been overrun by (or is representative of?) perverts:

I’m sure an enterprising winger blogger could come up with a similar list of “naughty” Democrats, but I’ve found a nice list that bolsters the assertions I made previously about perversion being endemic in the Republican party.

The absolutely huge list (I lost count after 50), includes everything from allegations to convictions. Even Schwarzenegger’s name is there. It is truly depressing and sad. But the point is that it highlights the problem with banging the perimeter drums while ignoring the fact that security is not a wall with a gate, but rather a mindset based on values that are consistently measured. In other words, if you maintain a shallow gauge to determine foes (e.g. a stereotype of Russian immigrants as bad) then you most likely have an equally shallow gauge to determine friends (e.g. a stereotype of elected Republicans with family values).

The bottom line is that there really is no “inside”, just like the concept of “national” perimeters continue to erode. Good security professionals can help raise the bar in the post-nation-state world and build more reliable trust systems.

What do you base your trust upon?

Cookie-cutter uniqueness

International Survey Research has a funny marketing blurb on their “why choose us” page:

Differences That Matter to Your Success
Your business is unlike any other.

Towers Perrin-ISR rejects cookie-cutter approaches to problem solving. Your organization has unique issues, capabilities and culture. Each phase of our work – from survey design to post-survey action planning – is customized to match.

Survey data by themselves tell only part of the story. You need context.

Survey scores that initially seem troubling may be comparable to those of your industry or regional peers. Towers Perrin-ISR’s 200 norms let you see how your results stack up against firms in your nation, region, or industry, as well as examine key demographic comparisons. And if you’d like to know how your organization compares with the best of the best, our high-performance norm shows the results enjoyed by the world’s most successful organizations.

It “rejects cookie-cutter approaches to problem solving” while at the same time using a cookie-cutter comparison to show context.

Seems contradictory, although cleverly worded, to me.

Small Batch High MPG Vehicles

The SBVs are here! While the giant American manufacturers been sleeping at the wheel, market demand for fuel-efficient vehicles has continued to rise and create opportunities. Here are a couple awesome examples of what could be ahead, should the market be allowed to mature:


The XR-3 is designed as a “plug-in hybrid.” This makes it possible to drive on battery power alone on trips of about 40 miles. In other words, on short trips you never have to turn on the diesel engine. And when both the diesel and the battery-electric systems are used together, and the car is driven conservatively, fuel economy increases to over 200-mpg. Fuel economy is about 125-mpg on diesel power alone.

Diesel Hybrid Baby! (DHB) Scheduled for release this month, I just wonder where the bike rack and grocery bags will go…

Perhaps the 6000ZK, a Chinese electric vehicle imitation of the Smart Car, is a more practical option. It’s only $10K new and “100% legal”!

This all makes me very hopeful that we’re finally escaping the clutches of centrally planned automobiles. I am, perhaps naively, looking forward to local production of vehicles. Now that giant supply chain control (e.g. iron and steel) is unnecessary to produce cars in America, can someone in your neighborhood design and produce one for you? Or maybe I should be asking whether someone in your neighborhood will have the hack to override the silly speed regulation imposed by the NHTSA. Remember when mopeds were restricted to 25mph? Note the fine print on the 600ZK:

Max. Speed: 25 mph (Reduced from 40 per NHTSA guidelines)

Yeah, whatever. Real speed apparently introduces quite a bit of cost. Would you sign a waver and accept the risk of going 40 mph in that thing? Did Enron back President Bush? Of course you would.

The Comet, an unrestricted vehicle expected this fall, will set you back $33K. Does it really cost $23K to get security right and enable full speed?

Purpose-built as a luxury electric commuter vehicle, the Carbon-Fiber body, leather interior, premium electronics, navigation, and entertainment system, all testify that no expense was spared in the creation of this top-end vehicle.

Fully equiped with air conditioning, heat, and heads-up displays, the myth that an electric car is in some way a sacrifice is forever shattered. Superb handling, blinding acceleration, the experience is like no other.

Spark Comet
Spark Comet

Funny, that doesn’t look like an SUV-sized cargo hauler. What sort of sacrifice measure is solely based on luxury? Show me the security stuff and ditch the rest. I can buy a commodity GPS , roll down the window and put on some seat covers, thanks. Still, under $35K for a small-batch high MPG (SBHM) luxury sports car sounds pretty good.

I expect these things to be coming out of the high schools of America, but the last time I checked all the “monster” and “chop” shops were still producing pathetic gas guzzlers. I guess the Internet took a while to leave the venue of nerds and reach the cool crowds, so maybe we just have ten years to wait now before vehicular efficiency is hot and common.

Enough mid-life crisis sports-car stuff, imagine taking a cross-country camping trip, or doing a coastal surfing trip, in the zero-emission Transporter…this could be the rebirth of the active “VW bus” lifestyle:


For some reason the government allows the Transporter to keep its top speed : 45 mph. Cheap and functional. Let’s go surfing, dude!

Now we just need better batteries…

Bad Poetry

I have been dealing with reviews of a lot of really bad security lately.

I do not know how to put it in perspective any better than by analogy to (of course) poetry. Really, really bad poetry, as revealed in their recap of the 10 least romantic love song lyrics:

Jimmy Webb. “MacArthur Park”

“As we followed in the dance,
Between the parted pages and were pressed,
In love’s hot, fevered iron,
Like a striped pair of pants.”

There’s not much we can say here. Just read it over a couple of times. Yes, this song is the ACME of bad lyrics, but this particular passage is breathtaking. ‘Yes babe, you remind me of my wrinkly pants.’

Sometimes when I have to sit straight faced across from someone who glibly tells me how acceptable their security system is, right after I have punched into it like a hot tongue through rice paper, I remind myself how much bad poetry there is in the world.

“Yes, your security reminds me of my wrinkly pants”