Amazon Astro Robot “especially problematic for children”

TL;DR Amazon created a “big eyes” screen to weaponize surveillance “especially problematic for children, who don’t have the capacity to understand” such overt manipulation tactics. Calling their robot stupid is like saying kid cereal is just sugar. Children “fall in love with” something targeting them with harm. A new MIT thought piece called “Amazon’s Astro … Continue reading Amazon Astro Robot “especially problematic for children”

Diesel FTW: Throw the Book at Clean Cheaters

Executive summary: The majority of car enthusiasts care more about engine power than pollution. This especially rings true in America where consumers can easily modify hardware and software of their diesel engines. Ten minutes and a couple hundred dollars makes a significant change. Thus it has become common to find consumers seeking personal power gains … Continue reading Diesel FTW: Throw the Book at Clean Cheaters