Tesla Investor Spreads Dangerous FSD “Head-On Collision Avoidance” Disinformation

As someone who records nearly weekly head-on collisions by Tesla into other cars, I was of course asked to evaluate claims being made on the Nazi-addled Swastika platform that Tesla FSD can prevent the very thing it repeatedly fails to prevent. Let me start by saying my first review of this new video evidence that … Continue reading Tesla Investor Spreads Dangerous FSD “Head-On Collision Avoidance” Disinformation

U.S. Military is Developing a New Bright Line to Detect Extremism

The Project on Government Oversight, reporting on a 2023 Army Audit Agency report, says we’re a month away from another attempt to write an enforceable extremism policy with a clear definition. [In 1995] white, active-duty soldiers murdered two Black people in North Carolina, who they picked randomly due to their race. The white supremacist views … Continue reading U.S. Military is Developing a New Bright Line to Detect Extremism

Fighting Nazis With Nature: “when it was raining, I knew I was safe”

As the extreme far-right AfD party repeatedly gets called out in German court for crimes including trying to diminish horrors of Nazism, the Guardian has posted a new first-person account with incredible detail of the pain and suffering from fascism. Maxwell Smart still feels at his safest when it rains. The 93-year-old first learned this … Continue reading Fighting Nazis With Nature: “when it was raining, I knew I was safe”

Tesla Owner Terrified of FSD After Multiple Homicide Attempts

In 2016 in my BSidesLV keynote presentation I argued Tesla Autopilot was an algorithm engineered to kill, choosing to do harm. Few were ready to believe then what I said we could prove with simple tests of the vehicle. Eight years later this seems to only get proven over and over again by people on … Continue reading Tesla Owner Terrified of FSD After Multiple Homicide Attempts