The AI Trust Problem Isn’t Fakes. The AI Trust Problem Is Fakes.

See what I did there? It worries me that too many people are forgetting almost nobody really has been able to tell what is true since… forever. I gave a great example of this in 2020: Abraham Lincoln. A print of abolitionist U.S. President Abraham Lincoln was in fact a composite, a fake. Thomas Hicks … Continue reading The AI Trust Problem Isn’t Fakes. The AI Trust Problem Is Fakes.

Analysts Rate Tesla Mediocre Car Not Even Worth $20 Stock: “too unreliable for widespread use”

A car collector is angry the Tesla fraud happened to him. Soon after thinking he was getting a “deal” on a new car, he was stranded outside in freezing temperatures waiting for a tow. …”there’s a reason they punted so many [Teslas] out the door on cheap lease deals. Do yourself a favor and get … Continue reading Analysts Rate Tesla Mediocre Car Not Even Worth $20 Stock: “too unreliable for widespread use”

Removing Terrorists Who Infiltrated US Police and Military

People in information security circles tend to focus on the SolarWinds breach in a bubble, despite a far larger system integrity issue at hand in America. To paraphrase Deming’s “toast” analogy, US Police and Military have been for a long time been made wrong in ways that don’t just “scrape” off after society is burned. … Continue reading Removing Terrorists Who Infiltrated US Police and Military