RedSeal has posted results of a survey about the time it takes companies to patch:
Once the need for a patch is determined, 34 percent of respondents indicated it takes between one day and one week to implement them while 29 percent of respondents need between a week and a month. 23 percent say they are able to implement patches within 24 hours while 13 percent of respondents indicated that they do not know how long their patch implementation takes.
Pretty good results, if you ask me, as that means 34 + 29 + 23 = 86 percent are able to patch within a month. That only leaves 13 percent and they might actually fall into the other group, but just weren’t sure — “do not know how long” does not necessarily mean longer than 30 days.
Hmmm, we’re missing one percent. How many participated? I probably should point out that the survey was done during a 2006 RedSeal “webinar”, and thus it also may only reflect the type of person interested in evaluating/buying a RedSeal product.