I thought this comment on Bruce’s blog was actually quite good:
I am an underage illegal immigrant, but I’ve lived here in the United States for most of my life, and my parents have worked very hard to do everything right, and to this day they have not broken any laws, or been in any type of legal matter. I just think it is unfair that I’m treated the way I am. Yes this isn’t my native country, but it’s not my fault that I’m here. I was bought here as a child, and couldn’t fight my parents decision. It was come or die, and I mean to everyone, no matter were you’re from, life is something presious. I’m a great student in school, and no one can tell me apart from an illegal immigrant, or if I was born here. Why not? Because just like everyone else I want to be someone in life.
A fine contrast to the stories of twilight roundups by the “ICE” squads.