Why poetry is better than sex

According to an interview with poet Michael Longley, “writing poetry gives him a better buzz than sex or booze”:

If you have nothing to say don’t force it. The trouble is, you do acquire a lot of skills over the years. It is possible without knowing it to produce forgeries. It is important not to do that. It is better to remain silent rather than fool yourself and others for a while by producing forgeries.

One of the problems is repeating yourself. That doesn’t necessarily mean with regards to subject matter. It is more doing the same trick, as it were, producing the same performance.

Is he talking about poetry or sex? Can’t tell. It seems he prefers the cerebral rush to the carnal, although he does admit to finding shortcuts, thanks to technology that allows him to repeat someone else’s performance:

I get as much pleasure out of music as poetry but I can’t do anything musical except put in the CD!

He certainly has a way with words.

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