Microsoft partners with Novell Linux

Holy penguins!!!

Microsoft announced late Thursday that it’s partnering with Novell Inc., its longtime rival in the market for computer operating system software, to support Novell’s version of Linux.

The two agreed to develop technology for computer systems that use both Linux and Microsoft’s Windows. Microsoft and Novell also agreed not to sue any customer who uses both operating systems, removing the legal uncertainty over mixing Linux and Windows.

“These are a set of agreements that will really help bridge the divide between open source and proprietary source software, and that will greatly enhance interoperability between Linux and Windows,” Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer said during a press conference in San Francisco Thursday. “We see huge potential upside in these markets.”

Wow. Agreed not to sue any customer who uses both operating systems…? That sounds like Linux is a get out of jail free card for Windows users, or perhaps some kind of innoculation from Microsoft. Will this put Vista’s security into further doubt?

EDITED TO ADD (22 Dec 2006): Samba’s main man, Jeremy Allison, appears to be hopping mad over the deal and reportedly has resigned from Novell in protest.

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