Driver safety in Mogadishu

Interesting spin on some positive changes in Somalia:

A few months ago, Mogadishu’s chaotic roads were ruled by red-eyed, open-shirted militia, speeding along in their technicals – the open vehicles with anti-aircraft guns mounted on the back – weaving from one side to the other to avoid the potholes.

Today, one of the world’s most dangerous cities has been tamed: law-abiding men and women motor along without a gun at their side, keeping steadily to the speed limit, and not daring to swerve for craters.

Why can’t we use our brains to solve the political stalemate instead of fighting?
Female student

This transformation is down to the rule of the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC), which took control of Mogadishu in June and much of southern Somalia since then.

Moving from militant anarchy to stable theocracy clearly has its up-side, but history shows that even stable theocracies are far from a panacea for people’s needs, let alone free from violence or above corruption and prejudice. The UIC is being reported as moderate and perhaps even embracing women’s rights to be educated and join the workforce but, as the saying goes, the proof will be in the pudding.

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