Campaign Consumption in CA

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is on the campaign trail. Actually, he has a giant 40-foot recreational vehicle (RV) on the campaign trail that he is using to offer photo opportunities. His campaign stands for three things, as far as I can tell from the website:

  1. Fame
  2. Protection
  3. Consumption

I do not say this lightly, I am just trying to point out what the marketing effect is of a giant inefficient engine driving around the state and a website that says “Protecting…” on every page.

1) The fame message is obvious. Can’t underestimate the effect of a famous actor with a pleasant persona offering folks a photo-opportunity.

2) I have to admit from a security perspective the overwhelming use of a “protection” theme is a little disturbing. Is the idea to promote a message like “Anything you are afraid of, Arnold can protect you”? Seems plausable, given the image he has cultivated from the type of movies he has appeared in and the roles he usually plays (e.g. other than the ones opposite DeVito). Wonder if he will step down off the bus carrying a giant broad-sword or a 50 caliber machine-gun? “I will protect your dream!”

3) Seriously, though, with regard to consumption a quick review of the vehicle he is promoting led me to the site, which really puts Arnold’s campaign style in perspective:

most expensive per lineal foot of the factory built choices. Many new ones get less than 7 mpg, and 10+ year old units may not even get 5 mpg.

Surely he is driving a new one. Perhaps compared to a fleet of Hummers a single 40-foot RV is economical, but less than 7 mpg still seems rather crude as a campaign message given the bitter history of electric cars and alternative fuel in California. The bus is green, but is it green, if you know what I mean? Maybe it was painted green as a deliberate snub to environmentalists or to give it the appearance of concern about the environment without need for reality.

Arnold’s campaign says his aim is “Protecting the California Dream”, but to me this RV represents more of a late 1990s Texas or Detroit dream. Where is the hybrid technology or alternative fuel source? In other words if the dream is to build giant heavy buses that consume excessive amounts of petroleum then I am sure Ford, Firestone and companies like Bayoil have some campaign contributions headed his way.

Shame the JoinArnold campaign did not have the foresight to run the bus on alternative energy, since that might show some vision or more consistency with the “dream” theme. Instead, they are just pushing more hype and hypocricy, and that is hardly the stuff dreams are really made of.

Incidentally, Arnold’s RV is also a rather sad contrast to the famous green bus of the late US Senator Paul Wellstone. And that bus is apparently still being used, according to Wellstone Action:

The vintage green school bus, long a campaign fixture for the late Sen. Paul Wellstone, becomes training tool for progressive action Saturday in Bemidji.

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