Stanford Defeated by Macalester Ethics Team

Here’s an interesting press release from the competitive ethics circuit.

Ethics Bowl team wins 2025 national championship…. The Macalester team competed against 35 other teams over two days, ultimately defeating Stanford by one point in the final round.

For the final match, students were asked to discuss questions about space weaponry and term limits for federal judges, including “If you were tasked with outlining the United States’ policy with respect to the use of space weaponry, what would that policy look like?” and “If you were tasked with producing a policy regarding the term lengths for federal judges (up to and including lifetime appointments), what would that policy look like?”

Teams are judged by their ability to identify and analyze the ethical dimensions of each case in a clear, focused, and thoughtful manner, with an appreciation for varied perspectives.

Congratulations to the Macalester team. A job well done, as you can see in the recording.

These topics were obviously picked way back before a week ago, when America still had a Justice branch of government.

And here’s a bit of trivia for you: my undergraduate degree in ethics is from… Macalester. Go Scots!
Squeeze that bag of air,
like you just don’t care!

I tend to never mention this because, well, who has ever heard of… McGill? No, I said Macalester. My other degree from LSE is a different story entirely.

Of course the real shocker is that Stanford is allowed to compete in ethics. Anyone under the Stanford name claiming to care about ethics should first have to identify and analyze the ethical dimensions of Leland Stanford’s genocide of native Americans, followed by his relentless fraud and overt racism. Genocide? Yes, genocide. That name Stanford sure has a lot to answer before it steps into a bowl of ethics. I mean can you imagine if the headline was that Macalester defeated Hitler University in an ethics bowl?

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