Political Scientists Say Trump Dictatorship Looks Like Worst of 21st Century

Experts are stepping up to assure anyone who had thought Trump would follow the law, that they are in for a surprise.

President Trump’s intensifying conflict with the federal courts is unusually aggressive compared with similar disputes in other countries, according to scholars. Unlike leaders who subverted or restructured the courts, Mr. Trump is acting as if judges were already too weak to constrain his power.

“Honest to god, I’ve never seen anything like it,” said Steven Levitsky, a Harvard political scientist and coauthor of “How Democracies Die” and “Competitive Authoritarianism.”

“We look at these comparative cases in the 21st century, like Hungary and Poland and Turkey. And in a lot of respects, this is worse,” he said. “These first two months have been much more aggressively authoritarian than almost any other comparable case I know of democratic backsliding.”

Germany has issued a travel warning to its citizens after several cases showed US border patrol denying entry based on biological markers (stripped naked for genitalia audit). And France has said one of its scientists was detained at the US border and denied entry after having said… scientific things.

Meanwhile, the US says Ukrainians will have asylum status revoked despite loss from war with Russia. Instead America says it will declare asylum status for white South Africans due to the loss of racist apartheid.

How could such illogic be developed? Criticism of education and the arts as too partisan-by not being partial enough-was foreshadowing. The dictatorship signs are here and clear.

A pillar of our democracy, our schools, is being targeted in a way that seeds and reinforces autocratic populism…, the common ground that public education has represented throughout this nation’s history is eroding underneath our feet.

2 thoughts on “Political Scientists Say Trump Dictatorship Looks Like Worst of 21st Century”

  1. suggestion : in order to help understand WHY trump is so outrageously cruel, pissed-off, callous, arrogant, out of control, vindictive & thin-skinned, petty and paranoid, evrybody needs to do some serious research on : NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder), Narcissistic Abuse cycles, trauma bonding, all the manipulative controlling mindF games…and…Narcissistic Rage, Narcissistic Collapse, Narcissistic Smear Campaigns, flying musketeers…ooops…I mean flying monkeys.
    he is vindictive, obsessed w/ pay-back against the widespread legion of “deep state” enemies & various other scapegoats he’s created to avoid his own accountability, so he can blame-shift his way thru life while maintaining his False Self Churchill scowling Image of Winning Winning Always Winning…and keeping putin happy and off his back.

  2. Hello,
    Many prople say that the accounts described in this article:


    are not normal.

    Are they normal?
    Well, as with everything, it depends on the perspective and the context. It is not normal that something like that happens to a any government, let alone the government of the USA; but it is very normal that things like that happen when the White House is occupied by a bunch of incompetent wannabe nazi friends that only think about filling their pockets with gold.

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