The Trust is Gone: American Reputation Turned to “Muddy Quicksand” by Trump

Trust is the backbone of finance. It’s the backbone of policy. And if there’s one thing to say about the slippery slimy tactics of the very jelly thing called Trump, it’s that everyone knows he has no backbone.

Since storming back into office, Mr. Trump has used a dizzying rhetorical tactic of shifting positions like quicksand, muddying his messages and contradicting himself, sometimes in the same day.

Storming, as in “Die Sturmabteilung” (SA) of Hitler. Have you ever witnessed a backbone within a tornado? Impossible—it’s precisely the opposite: a chaotic destructive force leaving only devastation behind.

The reason for this 2025 “Storming” behavior was clear as early as 2016, when I warned about the impending integrity collapse stemming from inadequate AI safety regulation of such “Stormies”.

Conclusion slide to my award-winning presentation on Big Data Integrity Breaches, from KiwiCon 2016

Aspirational fascists are unmistakable, which makes it tragically ironic how many choose to not see along with him, rather than acknowledge his fundamental dangerous reality destroying trust in America: no backbone.

…writing comedy about the ever-shifting opinions of Donald Trump, the Speedy Gonzales of on-the-hoof policymaking, is like playing pin the tail on the donkey, but it’s unfair on donkeys. […] Teenage thugs caught on a security camera roughing up a petrol station attendant and tipping the contents of the till into an Adidas bag have more dignity and honour than Trump and Vance…

No backbone, no honor among thieves, as anyone in security knows well.

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