Rare event could send Tesla stock into spiraling selloff

TheStreet posted some numerology and stock analyst mystical mumbo jumbo before outlining this bottom line for Tesla investors, a true buried lede if I ever saw one.

“The [Tesla stock] is oversold for the first time in almost a year,” wrote long-time technical analyst Jason Meshnick in a post on TheStreet Pro.” …of course, oversold never means buy. Stocks can remain oversold longer than you or I (or even Musk) can remain solvent,” said Meshnick. […] “More than a dip below about $250, and I’d sell as fast as a Model S Plaid,” concluded Meshnick.

The real analysis is that Tesla has a terrible product that has been getting worse, and worse, and worse, and is just miserable now, killing hundreds of people unnecessarily.

It’s a garbage company making garbage that nobody should want.

“Invest? This isn’t hard to figure out for those based in reality instead of Wall Street nobs who transform tragic deaths into yacht funding for trust fund kids like Donald Trump being raised cruising the French Riviera with dreams of someday colonizing Gaza.

Who’s still investing in Elon Musk? Russian money launderers and institutional investors who somehow missed the Madoff lesson—that financial houses of cards collapse spectacularly fast. For everyone else, Tesla stock isn’t an investment opportunity; it’s a catastrophic dumpster fire to avoid entirely, best viewed from a country where people are definitely not buying any more Tesla.

Wealthy Chinese investors are quietly funnelling tens of millions of dollars into private companies controlled by Elon Musk using an arrangement that shields their identities from public view, according to asset managers and investors involved in the transactions.

Oh, China. We see you too.

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