Mardi Gras Parade Booed a Cybertruck So Hard Its Windows Cracked

Elon Musk is on track to being forever known as the absolute worst fraud in American history, which is quite an accomplishment given the anti-regulatory mindset of a country that also created a Lance Armstrong, PT Barnum, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Bernie Madoff and Jeffrey Skilling. Were all those other obvious fraudsters also super rich or what?

More to the point the “survivalist” Cybertruck design was heavily marketed as being bullet-proof. It was the Swasticar allegedly meant for the highest tolerance against lowly crowds of pedestrians.

Elon Musk repeatedly tried to convince the public his lazy designs were bullet-proof, despite none of it not being true.

Why was Elon Musk, who grew up in South Africa under the AWB rhetoric of replacement-theory and abject racist violence, so enamored with this fantasy of a bullet-proof vehicle? It’s not hard to connect the dots from headline news for a radicalized white nationalist teenager to his thoughts as head of a car company.

A single police officer in 1994 killed Nazi domestic terrorists (AWB) who had been driving around shooting randomly at Black women and children. It was top headline news at the time, because AWB had promised to start a civil war and forcibly remove all Blacks from government, yet instead ended up dead on the side of a road.

Of course we know the Cybertruck design turned out to be a repeat of AWB history and fragile like a snowflake, thanks to a litany of Internet social media profiles littered with the evidence of failure.

And now we can add yet another example. Mardi Gras parade goers booing at the Cybertruck in New Orleans, and throwing plastic beads, apparently cracked its windows.

Apparently the trucks did not leave New Orleans unscathed, either, as many parade goers threw beads and other projectiles at the trucks driving down the parade route. Again, from jobles 95, the damage included “one broken window, and one chipped pretty bad. I know they got scratched up a lot, but I don’t know the full extent.” I was under the impression that Cybertruck windows were capable of withstanding a gunshot, so why would a beaded necklace be enough to crack one? Huh, it sure is a mystery.

Ford demonstrates their Pinto safety engineering.

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