Ouch. It hurts even to watch when a hot brand hits the bare flesh of an exposed ass.
The Kansas farmers who enthusiastically voted for Trump are being conveniently and fraudulently branded as “far-left radicals” in order to crash their lives. Did you guess who would be experiencing firsthand the tragic consequences of their misplaced ballot-box decisions? The same rural counties that delivered soul crushing 85-90% margins for Trump (Wallace, Sheridan, and Ness) are watching signed contracts invalidated, promised funds vanished, by a pack of political liars.
Agriculture Secretary Brooke Rollins has been ordered to freeze payments for falsely branded “far-left programs,” stupidly reclassifying mainstream agricultural work as radicalism overnight.
I’m sure the brains behind this operation are tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber in Silicon Valley (Vance and Musk) who hope to totally collapse the agricultural sector, creating an inflationary crisis to literally kill off farmers… just to force federal funds redirected to an army of defective Tesla robots, which are guaranteed to fail harder than the Ellison-Musk Hawaii farming disaster.
In case you missed it, these geniuses put a cancer doctor in charge of a Tesla solar-powered farm on an extremely windy island. The Tesla tech failed, leading to a massive dirty diesel dependency, while the farm was destroyed by…wind. Wind! They literally burned through $500 million for nothing, instead of using a windmill. $500 million! Nuts.
Decades of death and destruction lay ahead for Kansas now, just like Tesla announcing in 2016 they would have driverless solved by 2017, or SpaceX declaring in 2016 they would be landing on Mars by 2018. None of that came true but Elon Musk used the fraud (leaving a trail of deaths and debris) to sponge up taxpayer money for a decade, enough to fund Trump’s hostile takeover of federal government.
Let’s be clear about what’s happening: a president convicted of 34 felony counts who campaigned on hate and destruction of relationships is now breaking government contracts with his most loyal supporters, while trying to enrich a few elites even more racist than him.
The poor, victimized farmers, having voted overwhelmingly for a big city slick con artist who built his reputation on abuse, stiffing contractors and refusing to pay his debts, say they didn’t realize MAGA’s platform of cruel destruction of American lives included them.
Bill Shaw of Ashland, who deployed some of Elon Musk’s favorite tech under a $600,000 federal contract, now faces financial disaster after the White House labelled the very concept of paying government debts as “far-left” and therefore cancelled. “I don’t understand how that’s possible,” Shaw told reporters, as if Trump’s decades-long history of breaking the law and defrauding partners wouldn’t continue.
The likelihood of farmers receiving accountability or restitution, like anyone else victimized by the fraud of Trump, is virtually non-existent. The same administration they voted for has systematically stacked the courts, appointed loyalists to oversight positions, and gutted government watchdogs. You think Elon Musk keeps his job because he has any merit? It’s fraud all the way down. Tyranny by foreign-born coastal elites never looked so clear in the American heartland.
This isn’t just politics as usual—it’s a stark lesson in the lack of American consequences for gross deliberate fraud against loyal and hard-working voters.
We’re witness to one of the biggest integrity breaches in American history. Rural Kansas farmers have been totally swindled by a racist and mysogynist convicted criminal given the reins of federal programs. They tied their fortunes to a flashy big hat foreign-backed long-time enemy of America, and are now expressing surprise that their money is all gone in an instant.
Related: Trump, Vance and Musk are really big into the crypto scams like this one that rip-off Americans.
…Kansas bank CEO Shan Hanes was sentenced to 24 years after stealing $47 million from customer accounts and wiring the money to cryptocurrency accounts run by scammers.
Were those accounts being run by Trump? The FBI now likely wouldn’t even dare to find out.
As the Kansan loyalists to Trump struggle under abruptly politicized contracts cancelled and destroyed futures, perhaps the hardest pill to swallow will be that they enthusiastically voted for this giant bag of dicks assaulting them with total agricultural industry destruction.
depressing as hell.
what many on the political Right fail to grasp …trump’s “base” of loyalists….is that they aren’t really a “base of loyalists” so much as they are simply trump’s audience….he’s the razzle dazzling entertainer, the Star, and they are his Narcissistic Supply.
that’s about as deep as it gets.