Anti-Gay for Deutschland (AfD) Finds a Useful Idiot in Alice Weidel

History has a way of repeating, such that historians are obliged to explain when and how. In the early 1930s, the organization called the Union of Nationalist German Jews (Verband nationaldeutscher Juden), led by Max Naumann, emerged as one of history’s most tragic examples of misplaced political allegiance.

Naumann, who had fought in WWI as a captain for the Bavarian Army and was awarded the Iron Cross for his bravery, told Jewish Germans to support the anti-Semitic Hitler and even endorsed the Nazi boycott of Jewish businesses. His self-loathing platform assumed violent hate would simply melt away given a patriotic German identity, as if race-based targets wouldn’t be targets of racism. He berated Einstein as a traitor, and demanded assets of Jews be confiscated to help Hitler amass power. This idiotic miscalculation, of course, proved suicidal — in 1935 Hitler’s secret police threw him in jail, and his members murdered in concentration camps.

[Despite the fact that to Hermann Göring he] declared [1933] in an interview that Nazi action against Jews was in many ways justified […] Dr. Max Naumann, president of the Union of Nationalist Jewish Germans, was yesterday [in 1935] arrested by the Gestapo, Nazi secret police. The Union, comprising the so-called “Jewish Nazis,” was officially ordered disbanded yesterday.

American papers were distinctly unimpressed with Max Neumann in 1934. While campaigning for Hitler’s anti-Semitism in 1935 he was arrested for being Jewish.

Nearly a century later, in a return to the sad theater of European right-wing politics, few puppets embody this same pattern of contradictory allegiance more strikingly than Alice “Alles” Weidel.

As one of the lead candidates of Germany’s Anti-Gay for Deutschland (AfD), Weidel presents a fascinating case study in political incongruity: a lesbian woman in a registered partnership, propped up for a leadership position in a party that vocally opposes her gay marriage, opposes her adoption rights for same-sex couples, and that published a highly symbolic “death notice” for “the German family” when her same-sex marriage was legalized.

AfD’s internet site features on its front page a death notice, saying “In deep sorrow, we say good-bye to the German family, whose constitutional protection was buried by the ‘representatives of the people’ at the German parliament.” Instead of condolence notices, the AfD advises Germans to throw out the parliamentarians who voted for equal marriage rights in the upcoming elections.

The Anti-Gay for Deutschland platform literally campaigns on death for those supporting gay marriage, and Alice says “Hey, should I go lead a hate group that wants to kill the German family, I mean kill mine? Honey, fetch my Nazi “Alles” dagger and torch, I’m off to join the campaign that hates us.”

This reminds me of the Chappelle Show skit called “Clayton Bigsby Doesn’t See Color” about a Black man so blind he becomes a popular KKK leader.

Civilian Used as Shield is a War Crime

Weidel’s position in the AfD serves a cynical strategic function as a shield by assailants too scared to stand up without a disposable body to hide behind. Her very existence within the party leadership provides convenient insulation against accusations of homophobia, while being homophobic. When critics point to the AfD’s explicit anti-LGBTQ+ policies—opposing gay marriage, curtailing adoption rights, and proposing education reforms that would minimize information about homosexuality—party members can simply point to Weidel and ask, “How can we be anti-gay when we use this token lesbian shield to make us look like we care?”

This form of tokenism creates a powerful damaging effect on political dialogue. It allows hardline positions against LGBTQ+ rights to simultaneously claim inclusivity, without any actual basis other than short-term exploitation. Alexander Tassis, another gay AfD politician and head of the “Alternative Homosexuals” group, exemplifies this dynamic when he states that gay members are “fully integrated” in the AfD—while in the same breath declaring, “We’re not seeking equality.”

Oh, wait, it gets worse. Tassis is an immigrant too. He says the AfD really represents his desire to stop immigrants. Do you know who else was an immigrant who hated immigrants? Max Neumann. The Union of Nationalist German Jews knows exactly how this story ends for immigrants like Tassis, in jail and maybe even death camps. Tassis is preaching self-hate and destruction of his own community, just like Neumann. And Weidel? Her partner is also an immigrant.

Hierarchy Driven by Fear and Loathing

What drives someone to align herself with a political movement that works against her own community’s interests, and that refers to her in terms of a quick death? The answer likely lies in a hierarchy of political priorities and fears.

For Weidel and others like Tassis, anti-immigration hate appears to cloud their concerns about own survival, let alone LGBTQ+ equality. This echoes the Nazi propaganda forcing such fear as to convince millions to kill themselves and their own families. As the impatient, hot-headed General Rommel famously said after being continuously defeated on the battle-field by Montgomery, he would much rather take a suicide pill than finally be set free from Hitler by rapidly approaching Allied forces. The “Alternative Homosexuals” group explicitly frames opposition to religion and immigration as necessary for their “survival,” while supporting a group opposed to their survival. This suicidal positioning mirrors tactics used by other European right-wing populists like Geert Wilders, who have attempted to frame outsized campaigns of hate for others as a protective measure against the official hate for LGBTQ+ communities.

The prioritization reveals a toxic political reversal and bad gamble: sacrificing full equality and rights for one’s own community (“genetic unity“) in exchange for policies that target other marginalized groups first. Throwing away the lives of others comes wrapped inside deeply insecure competitive aspirations to be allocated a big fancy house with a lush garden, a ruthless plot just on the other side of a walled concentration camp filled with people it all was stolen from.

Selfish Short-sighted Exceptionalism

Alice Weidel stands with her “Alles” dagger and torch in hand, deliberately setting fires throughout a village, winds blowing unfavorably, that she somehow believes will spare her own straw house. As one of the few high-profile LGBTQ+ figures in a homophobic right-wing movement, her attraction to the AfD seems rooted not in spite of its destructive potential, but because it feeds into Naumann-like self-erasure. This paradoxical longing for the very flames that will destroy her community defines her whole identity—she doesn’t merely tolerate hateful contradictions; she embodies them. While the AfD presents her as evidence that their human shield means supposed inclusivity, Weidel stands like a barking dog left at the perimeter outside the AfD tent, mistaking limited guard duty for genuine power. She appears to even believe she’s the tail wagging that dog, rather than recognizing herself as something the dog could rid itself of at any moment. The fundamental nature of the movement is they let her ride along, all the while saying those who believe themselves exceptional will help feed an appetite for destruction.

The false hope of self-loathing Naumann-exceptionalism operates on the implicit understanding that while the party opposes rights for the LGBTQ+ community, certain individuals who demonstrate sufficient alignment with the party’s primary goals will be useful. And once they are discarded for being willful idiots, then what Alice? There’s likely a meeting in the future where she’s told “We don’t want you, you abandoned your own gay family and gay community, and such traitors are unwelcome.” It’s a political tragedy: transferring all credibility away to policies that ultimately harm the very community one belongs to, just for affirmation inherently designed not to last.

While the phrase “useful idiot” may capture the functional role that figures like Weidel play in foolishly legitimizing hate groups they should be fighting against, it perhaps understates the agency and calculation involved. Weidel and others have made very conscious decisions to align themselves with movements that oppose them and their own community’s interests, as they believe some other shared goals have precedence.

This represents a form of dangerous compartmentalization of ignorance, a “zone” where identity is subordinated to hatred of others—where being anti-immigration becomes more central to one’s political self-conception than being pro-gay. It’s not mere idiocy but rather a complex negotiation of competing identities and priorities, albeit one that ultimately serves to enable the worst crimes against humanity.

The most insidious aspect of this arrangement is how effectively it destroys political discourse and replaces it with hatred accelerants. The presence of contradictions—like an anti-gay party with gay leaders—creates confusion that benefits the party’s broader agenda to destroy law and order. Constant contradictions to destroy any semblance of stability make it harder for critics to form clear, coherent engagement with thoughtful people and easier to foment support around irrational emotional responses.

When the AfD threatened to sue over the legalization of gay marriage in 2017, Weidel’s presence in leadership created cognitive dissonance that served as a powerful rhetorical tool. It allowed supporters to dismiss critics as simplistic or reductive in their understanding of the party’s positions. Of course, looking like the Verband nationaldeutscher Juden of 2025 makes her an even more compelling story. Hitler was a huge proponent of irrational and abrupt self-sacrifice, frequently pushing his closest and most loyal staff to murder themselves or be murdered.

If history means anything at all then Alice, as soon as she gives Anti-Gay for Deutschland what they want, should expect to be put in front of a firing squad.

The case of Alice “Alles” Weidel demonstrates how right-wing populist movements exploit contradictions to generate destabilization, tactical information warfare steps rather than liabilities. Holding up members of marginalized groups as tokens in visible positions, while simultaneously opposing their rights, creates powerful shields for maintaining and ironically expanding hate-filled exclusion platforms.

This scenario mirrors armed terrorists who snatch children from their beds to use as human shields, with Weidel functioning as that captive child who inexplicably aids her captors rather than those attempting rescue. Her alliance with the AfD reflects not just Stockholm syndrome but a deeper delusion—she believes herself a strategist among hostage-takers rather than merely a useful shield. The tragedy lies not only in her failure to recognize her expendability, but in her active contribution to a movement that would ultimately mark her as different. Her apparent qualification to assess risk may be nothing more than the psychological adaptation of a hostage who has convinced herself she shares the terrorists’ interests, when in fact her utility exists only until the moment it doesn’t.

Far from moderating the Anti-Gay part of the Anti-Gay for Deutschland party, figures like Weidel enable them to maintain or even intensify exclusionary policies even more. They are not the evidence that a hate party is changing, rather they are the disposable asset that proves the rule — a life to be disposed of in a political gambit, absorbing the worst consequences of the AfD instead of the AfD itself.

South African apartheid billionaire Elon Musk heavily promotes the AfD, allegedly funding their hate campaigns in Germany, leading to widespread disgust and protest such as this graffiti near his Tesla factory.

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