MAGA Activist Tries to Strangle News Reporter to Death

The awful report of the Subway Strangler being celebrated and promoted by MAGA-mania into positions of wealth and power have copy-cat attackers on the prowl to prove they too can strangle a stranger.

A man just pursued, then verbally and physically assaulted a news reporter in Colorado.

“Are you even a U.S. citizen? This is Trump’s America now! I’m a Marine and I took an oath to protect this country from people like you!” Egan said, according to The Associated Press. […] According to police, Egan followed Alex all the way back to the KCCO/KJCT station, which was around 40 miles away from where the initial exchange took place.

Both men arrived to the station at the same time and Egan chased Alex as he attempted to run into the building, police said. Egan allegedly demanded Alex’s ID.

Police said that upon refusal Egan tackled Alex and strangled him until Alex’s coworkers managed to restrain the attacker.

Note the oath claim mixed with the “papers please” and contradictory exclusion rhetoric.

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