Everyone in the news seems to say there’s no explanation for yet another sudden Tesla fire.
Fire crews scrambled to a Tesla car on fire in an Ayrshire town last night leaving residents in shock. Emergency crews scrambled to the scene outside the Beijing Banquet restaurant at Queen’s Drive in the Riccarton area of Kilmarnock at around 5:58pm last night, Saturday, January 4. The cause of the fire remains unknown and no injuries have been reported from the incident. Footage shows flames engulfing the black Tesla vehicle under a sign for the restaurant. Another image shows the fire beginning to take hold under the wheel arch of the vehicle.
In shock? No explanation?
Did the Pinto have design defects? No explanation needed. It’s a Tesla.
Notably the CEO isn’t expected to tweet anything like he did for the Las Vegas Tesla fire:
Never seen a fire in a Tesla like Las Vegas before? Uh huh, sure sure, since *cough* hundreds of Tesla fire cases have received little to no response at all.
Somehow he thinks one fire is so unlike all the others, including the nearly 90 prior deaths, as if a certain hotel brand demands all of Tesla senior leadership’s most immediate attention.
There was literally a Cybertruck fire similar to the Las Vegas one the night before in Georgia. True story! And the Tesla CEO reaction was… crickets.
After all, who can forget classic examples of Tesla attitude towards dangerous fire like… this one?
There are so many examples, one has to wonder if Tesla has been trying to normalize all the years of sudden and extremely destructive Tesla fires by completely ignoring them.
This was Elon Musk’s reaction in 2022 after the big Tesla fires kept hitting the news. It certainly hasn’t aged well, given we’re still here in 2025 taking about hundreds of big Tesla fires in the news:
Other EVs? They don’t seem to have the Tesla design defect problems. It’s like saying nobody will report on Ford Pinto fires once Nissan and Honda sell compact cars. Remember, Nissan was the EV market leader until 2019, with hundreds of thousands of EV on the road, and none of the Tesla fires.
Related: “Koreans Create EV Battery That Puts Out Its Own Fires And Holds 87% Power After 1000 Cycles” just to further prove how Tesla has been a dangerous fraud with no innovation for nearly 20 years (since hostile takeover by Musk). EV fires are more problematic than ever and almost entirely because of Tesla.