Florida Police Under Fire for Banning Guns During Hurricane

The public official who came under full assault by angry gun lobbyists said he simply made a clerical error. The disaster declaration button he pushed apparently was meant for riots, rather than weather.

…the city banned the carrying of firearms by civilians and limited gun and ammunition sales in advance of Hurricane Helene.

City leaders say the order, signed by Chief of Police Donald Hagan, was issued by mistake, citing the state law used for riots and not the one for natural disasters. It was rescinded within 12 hours.

That 12 hours was enough, though, to get the attention of Gov. Ron DeSantis and statewide gun-rights groups, who sounded the alarm about what they saw as an egregious local government overreach.

The craziest part of the story is first that the radical “group” driving the outrage literally calls their own good intentions a road to hell.

…we are a no-compromise national gun-rights organization. That is our entire stance, and we wanted to get to the bottom of this and make sure this never happens again because, as the saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Right? He just said his own good intentions are paving Florida’s road to hell. Right?

And on that note, second most crazy, is that Florida has passed very targeted laws to personally fine and prosecute any public official who tries to restrict harms from gun violence.

He warned city leaders that under state law, government officials can be personally fined up to $5,000 for violating Second Amendment rights. He said his group does not intend to pursue legal action because the order was never enforced.

Honestly $5,000 seems like a weirdly low amount given that public confiscation of a few automatic weapons from Floridians to sell into Texas would quickly cover that cost.

But seriously, this whole idea of outrage because a public official was trying to help prepare for a disaster is a perfect example of how and why the radical “group” claiming to care about any kind of rights is completely off their rocker. Guns can and do get taken away. The self-described “no-compromise” weapons group with a stated plan to hide behind good intentions and pave a road to hell, seems like the definition of dumb anti-government extremism.

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