Flood of Tesla Executives Resign to Protest Abuse by CEO

Tesla has been a fraud since the infamous South African Elon Musk abruptly showed up carrying bags of cash. He laundered his family (apartheid) fortunes as an “investor” and then stole the company from its founders.

It’s a wonder anyone worked for him after 2016, when they saw up close how dangerously Elon Musk would lie even about public safety, but here we are. Hundreds are dead unnecessarily, blood on Tesla hands for unrepentant lies about “driverless”.

…nearly a third of staff who report directly to him have walked since he issued his bombshell internal email in April promising to go ‘absolutely hardcore’…. One former manager said executives were left ‘just fighting to keep our teams together’. ‘That s*** takes its toll,’ he explained. ‘Every few years Elon comes in and slashes head count or there’s a reorg, and it’s like you have to build everything from scratch again,’ a former manager told BI. ‘People get burned out’

Eight out of 30 direct reports have just quit, which begs the question what CEO in a right mind would have 30 direct reports? Playing video games and Tweeting white supremacist memes all day and night means he probably spends zero meaningful time with any of them.

Building everything from scratch every two years is a symptom of an intentional abuse culture based on artificial privilege. A proper understanding of Tesla “driverless” is that every major release has been worse than the prior one, because everything learned goes in the dumpster and experts get flushed out, replaced with ignorant sycophants and cheap shortcuts.

Customers thus literally were burned to death at an increasing and higher rate than the Ford Pinto, while Tesla staff were burned out from fighting with their entirely distracted and abusive CEO.

Tesla deaths by year. Source: TeslaDeaths.com

What will his years late and industry laggard “Taxi” reveal actually reveal?

It will add to the pile of evidence that his decades of lies to investors grew worse and worse (like a Ponzi), as he jumped around pouring gasoline and throwing matches like a racist elitist white boy in 1988 running angry and scared from the fall of apartheid.

The #DorkMAGA celebrates using Saudi and Russian money to buy the Trump family, in a desperate attempt to turn the Whitehouse into a monarchy run by South Africans serving foreign adversaries.

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