“Truth Social a target-rich environment for people easy to con.”

Instead of “look out” on that third sign, Calvin could have written “welcome to Truth Social”. This fish-in-a-barrel problem of manipulated followers being curated into harms way… seems like something a cynical GOP strategy back in 2008 should have anticipated better.

Truth Social seems to be a target-rich environment for people who are easy to con. […] Many of the people don’t seem to understand that any amount they might see on their end that’s supposedly sitting in an account is completely fictitious. The scammers will often give the victim access to a website that shows a certain dollar amount in “their” account but the money is long gone. It’s not sitting there for them to withdraw. It’s simply a ruse for the victim to see their imaginary money grow, luring them into “investing” even more.

Let me check my 2008 political analysis notes here

The people calling themselves conservatives seem to have an amazing “hubris”. They not only stick to their guns in the face of science or even just details (like Lehman’s CEO who refused to believe his company was in trouble) but they actually become more convinced they are in the right when evidence starts to challenge them. …a vast group of Americans apparently are so unable to process information that they have become highly vulnerable to manipulation (social engineering, foreign influence) in a very, very bad way.

Yup, checks out. The GOP knew they were putting their own fish into a barrel for practically anyone to shoot. Sadly, driving followers into a highly vulnerable mass manipulation system for exploitation is exactly the problem; it’s truly tragic what this party has become.

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