Tesla Cybertruck FSD 12.5.5 So Bad the Owners Can’t Stop Complaining

It’s bad.

So bad, that we could call it the Palantir stock manipulation scheme of the automotive industry.

Palantir is the single most overvalued stock in the S&P 500 based on the discrepancy between the median price target and its current share price.

Tesla and Palantir both infamously exploit weak American regulation of technology in order to shackle customers into overpayment for low quality.

Cybertruck FSD, officially marketed with self driving “puffery”, literally tries to drive into a tree. A big tree. Some speculate such dumb mistakes in a “version 12.5.5” are proof the Tesla AI system is just fraud, because it is learning to drive worse with every new release.

Ran a few red lights. Not one. Not two. A few.

Tesla saw a red light, Tesla saw a semi turning in front of it, and it ignored both.

There are only thousands of Cybertrucks in existence and yet in just a few days already there are hundreds of critical safety failures like these.

Along with an explosion of the written complaints, we see video examples being posted at an alarming rate:

The Tesla Cybertruck is unquestionably a public humiliation of its owner, that (like a predictable dumpster fire) poses unnecessary threats to public safety. Why are they legal?

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