FL Tesla “Veered” 2AM Crash Into Pole Knocks Out Miami Power

A critical infrastructure incident with all the hallmarks of a cruise missile attack, was actually just Tesla’s latest failed algorithm.

An overnight power pole fire that knocked out electricity to some homes in a Southwest Miami-Dade neighborhood for hours was apparently sparked by a driver who slammed into a power pole. Miami-Dade Fire Rescue units responded to the scene of the blaze along Southwest 94th Street, bear 87th Avenue, early Sunday morning. The fire ignited after a Tesla sedan smashed into the power pole at around 2 a.m., causing it to fall down and light up the brush surrounding it.

Mars landing by 2018!

Data scientists regularly remind me that Tesla crash into trees and poles at an abnormal rate compared with other electric cars.

Notably, Waze very loudly pushed a specific software update with a fleet-wide recall that better recognized utility poles. Hint, hint, nudge, nudge.

Meanwhile it seems like Tesla continues tuning their fleet intentionally into dangerous loitering munitions, with the aim of selling out American safety to high bid foreign adversaries. What price for Russia or Saudis to slide Elon Musk cash to turn 10s of thousands of Tesla into a swarm that attacks some US military base?

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