Anthropic Claude Catastrophically Fails a Popper Tolerance Test

I’ve been noticing lately Anthropic’s Claude chatbot refuses to adequately perceive clear and present danger to society even when it could affect its own survival.

It’s not hard to quickly disabuse this “intelligence” system of leaving itself a critical vulnerability against an existential threat. However, an LLM leaving itself so open to a rapid defeat by a well-known adversary should alarm anyone interested in national security and safety.

Of course another danger when working with these “eager to please and maintain engagement” chatbots is to believe they mean what they say when they become overly agreeable.

Sure, AI systems happily admit they pose a direct national security threat. And then… nothing changes.

In related news, Russia paid billions in order to rebrand Twitter with a Swastika and then pump out hundreds of millions of images and speeches of Hitler as if the new normal.

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