Businesses in NJ and VA Shutdown by Tesla Crashing Into Them

Many homes and businesseses around America have had a Tesla crash into them, suffering significant damage like an American version of the Hezbollah pager attack.

It’s tragic how often there’s yet another of these “Kool AI Man” Tesla stories, especially given Elon Musk boasts to consumers that his cars are magically safer than all others. In fact, when you really think about it, Hezbollah bought explosive sabotaged communications technology on the basis of believing incorrectly they were safer than all other options.

Targeting Hezbollah with bad tech is one thing. Why is Elon Musk apparently aiming to seriously harm American businesses and homes, killing hundreds so far, with his deceptive and defective products? Tesla is basically like a cheap unsafe knockoff of a real car — Hezbollah pager of the road.

Just this week a hair salon in Virginia and a catering company in New Jersey have reported being hit hard by Elon Musk’s centrally planned and controlled loitering munitions.

There are so many examples, it’s a wonder Tesla is allowed to operate on public roads. These two come right after many reported a New Jersey home was hit by one of Elon Musk’s explosive Tesla robots like a bomb went off.

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