Tesla Deleted Video From an Owner’s Car After She Complained It Tried to Kill Her Toddler

You have to watch the whole video report to get to the buried lede. A Tesla dangerously malfunctions, as they always do, and a mother has to destroy a window to save her child’s life.

When Kassandra stepped out to disconnect the charger, her Tesla unexpectedly locked her out, with her 13-month-old baby boy, Liam Valenzuela, still inside. “I started banging as hard as I could, but it wouldn’t break,” the mom said. Tesla’s security cameras captured the dramatic ordeal.

Another Tesla owner nearby came and helped break a window, rescuing the child.

She took the car to Tesla for an investigation and they deleted the evidence and claimed they had no explanation.

That is to say video from that day, and only that day, was mysteriously deleted while in Tesla care.

One thought on “Tesla Deleted Video From an Owner’s Car After She Complained It Tried to Kill Her Toddler”

  1. Unless they wiped the data just deleting the file won’t remove the file, correct? If they could take it to someone with the proper tools the video could be recovered. If they did wipe or completely write over the memory where the file was stored then it’s gone. But, usually just deleting a file doesn’t remove data in memory – it just frees up that memory for later use. At least that’s my understanding. Of course, if the customer thinks it’s gone they won’t pursue other methods.

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