Tesla’s “Driver-First” Approach: AI Staff Admit Dangerous Disregard for Safety

Tesla’s self-driving AI development takes a concerning permanent improvisation approach, prioritizing selfish and bad behavior over adherence to social good and traffic laws. Some employees reveal that the AI is intentionally trained to ignore crucial road signs and safety.

…workers said they were told to ignore “No Turn on Red” or “No U-Turn” signs, meaning they would not train the system to adhere to those signs.

“It’s a driver-first mentality,” one former worker said. “I think the idea is we want to train it to drive like a human would, not a robot that’s just following the rules.”

This “driver-first” mentality, reminiscent of the controversial “America First” nativist and racist slogan, potentially endangers road users by normalizing lawless driving behavior. It starkly contrasts with Tesla’s public claims of enhanced AI safety, exposing a troubling disconnect between the company’s marketing and its actual practices.

The consequences of this approach are already evident in the explosion (pun not intended) of Tesla AI-related traffic incidents, including fatal head-on collisions such as unexplained “veered” crashes. These tragedies underscore the risks of Tesla’s cavalier attitude against care for human lives.

As Tesla continues to promote its AI capabilities, their deliberate flouting of safety for selfish-gains raises serious questions about the company’s integrity and the true cost of its rapid technological advancements.

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