Telegram Nazi Groups Face the Music After Putin’s Puppet CEO Arrested in France

Multiple people ask me for analysis of the Telegram CEO arrest, and I have to boil it down quickly. It’s far simpler than most realize.

Putin corrupts a network of billionaires in tech firms (among other industries) to spread domestic terrorism and destabilize the world to serve his interests.

To be clear, the moment Durov stepped off his fancy Russian oligarch plane near Paris, France arrested a French citizen on French soil.

That much should be plain to see, as evidence how Putin’s sloppy foreign asset assimilation methods backfired on him.

Durov may have been better protected in France had Putin left even a shred of evidence the two were working together (as Elon Musk tends to do). On the flip side, maybe Durov was happy to abandon the Russian dictator by acquiring more formal protection in the West.

In any case, Durov’s arrest related to Telegram content moderation failures has now opened the door to further arrests and takedown of domestic terrorism groups like the Nazi “Terrorgram Collective”, which I had highlighted in my earlier post about Durov.

The gears of justice appear to be turning and closing down Putin’s spread of Nazism, at least in France and in America.

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