Brazil Drops the Hammer: Tesla Booked Repairs as New Car Sales… and Other Fraud Horror Tales

It’s almost Halloween again, time for scary spooky stories.

The extensive list of allegations of Tesla fraud is expanding. Here’s a good example of someone trying to keep up with the horror show:

231—233—Booking the Same Car as a Sale Multiple Times: Tesla’s internal data shows that they booked cars returned for repairs as “new sales” upon returning the fixed car to its owner. This was possibly done because they saved money by cutting costs during the Model 3 “production hell” and wanted to make more profits by re-booking the same car as a “sale”. I’ve seen self-registration scandals before, but this is absurd in this day and time.

In related news Elon Musk is using Twitter to tell everyone to break laws at great personal risk to themselves and society for his financial benefit.

When the Brazilian court ordered his defective product banned, he Tweeted this:

Clearly, Musk is trying to undermine Brazil, unlike his recent big Turkey talk.

He’s not fooling anyone. His well-documented political abuse and censorship pushes society towards dictatorships.

Elon Musk calls himself a “free speech absolutist” but has accepted over 80% of censorship requests from authoritarian governments.

The Brazilians are now celebrating the government’s ban of fElon Musk, with wild demonstrations in support of defeating a billionaire fascist threat to their national security.

The impact will be broad, as Portuguese readers everywhere will benefit from shutdown of a huge misinformation source. It also inspires even more governments and organizations around the world to do the same.

Everyone is better off without an unrepentant fElon in their face. How soon before America does something about all the SpaceX/TwitterX/Tesla/Boring fraud?

Perfectly capturing the spirit of this momentus time, one of the most famous Brazilian comic writers posted “Xuitter at midnight I’ll meet you” using his popular character Lady Death.

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