UK Sticker Nazis Jailed for Antisemitic Speech

A case in the UK is being widely reported, as the justice system wisely is cracking down on extreme hate speech.

“Whilst your activity ceased in 2021, recent events in the United Kingdom demonstrate that there is, for the first time since the 1930s, a real risk of gross, potentially violent, antisemitism becoming normalised on our streets.

“The publication of this kind of material is corrosive to our society and highly damaging. Antisemitism, in particular, is a destructive force. It has been used before to tear at the heart of Western democracy. It must not be allowed to do so again.”


[Judge Bayliss] told the defendant: “You were engaged in a campaign of hatred against minority communities and you were, I am sure, quite deliberately trying to stir up racial hatred.” […] “How you could have thought that to distribute [white supremacist slogans] and have them plastered on public infrastructure without committing a criminal offence is impossible to believe.”

The defendant said he totally thought it was just a normal conversation to post things in public like his belief Muslim immigrants are genocidal “rape gangs“.

That’s just an admission of guilt, really, because Nazis view extreme hate speech and incitement to racist violence as normal “centrist” conversation, which it’s obviously not.

Nobody in their right mind (pun not intended) believes Nazism on Twitter is anywhere even close to center.

Or as @SmoothDunk put it on Twitter about the guy who bought Twitter using Russian and Saudi money…

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