Tesla FSD 12.5 Runs Red Lights

As I’ve predicted for some time (here and here), Tesla’s software development practices will lead its AI to commit more and worse dangerous moves over time.

Drivers (let alone the trolls who run Tesla) intentionally have been training the car to ignore stop signals, as an extension of the CEO’s “extreme free speech” radicalism inciting people to disregard all safety regulation.

The CEO literally filmed himself running a red light with the car as if to promote it as a privilege ticket to live above the law. And we saw a court give only probation for robotic manslaughter, as if to normalize extremism.

In other words Tesla will drop a new version (12.5) to distract from the past and pretend something new is better, yet in reality it carries a huge debt of unfixed (arguably intentional) errors and should be banned from use on public roads.

I had specifically predicted Tesla engineering would result in their “driverless” AI running red lights. And here we are: has ran 4 red lights so far

The lights turn yellow from far away and FSD continues the same speed and just runs it as if it were green or there is no light. Also the light was never yellow mid way it was red then FSD would cross the white line.

Anyone else experience this?

Not an isolated problem.

Yep. I’ve had it happen twice in the last month – both times, I intervened and slammed on the brakes. I give it enough time to see if it’s gonna stop…which it still brakes kinda hard for me at lights. But yeah, twice in the last month.

Many owners are saying the same thing.

I did see one time yesterday, where it had good enough time to slow down for yellow it did not.


Yes! Thankfully I stopped it before it ran the light but hopefully Tesla is aware their software is at a very dangerous level right now.


One time now- FSD was doing the speed limit 55. The light turned yellow on me well before it entered the intersection and my car just kept going. I had my max set to 60 and it didn’t speed up either, in fact it felt like it may have slowed a little once in the intersection. It was very red. No increase in speed to compensate. It was not good. I was shocked by it so I sped up on my own to clear the intersection.


The same day I installed v12.5.1.3, it ran a red light at ~30 MPH. FSD never attempted to slow down or speed up — it just kept going. Fortunately, a slow-moving semi was just entering the intersection from my left to turn toward me, so I was able to clear him easily. FSD has been okay since, but it’s only day 2 so we’ll see… (2024 M3DM)


My exact experience 100%

I really hope they issue a fix for this soon


Yes sadly I’ve also had that happen once or twice at below 30 mph

Having trust issues because of it ngl


Pre 12.5 I never had any issues but since 12.5 I have needed to brake on several lights


Only happened to me once, and I was already ready to take over so I applied the brakes to avoid it.

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