Dawn Project Calls Out Big Tech for AI Snake Oil

Dan O’Dowd built his reputation on software safety, and then created an advocacy group The Dawn Project.

He has repeatedly and correctly flagged Tesla AI claims as a total fraud, a clear and present danger to society.

Now he’s expanding the criticism (PDF) to some other known dishonest big tech brands, such as OpenAI.

Each time a $10 billion Al face plants, its promoters say: “nothing is perfect, it’s young, it needs time to learn, these are early innings, it needs more data.” Sam Altman (whose Al couldn’t correctly list US states that ended with the letter Y) wants investors to give him $7 trillion to build a super Al.

The problem isn’t the tech, if you read between the lines, it’s the people running these companies. Why can unrepentant liars be CEOs in America?

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