Indian Twitter Disinformation Campaign Exaggerates Hindu Dangers in Bangladesh

Widespread disinformation campaigns are being spread by Indian social media accounts. They allege far greater threat to Hindu populations in Bangladesh than what is real, likely as a campaign to incite greater violence.

Anxieties are being further inflamed by the spread of false reports of attacks online suggesting the violence against Hindus is orders of magnitude worse than reality.

Many originated from social media users in India… One widely shared X post written in Hindi, India’s most common language, falsely claimed that over 500 Hindus had been killed, hundreds of Hindu women raped and dozens of temples burned to the ground.

Many of the more outlandish claims had also been picked up and reported as fact by Indian media, International Crisis Group’s Thomas Kean told AFP.

“Their reporting and analysis reflects a worldview that is quite out of touch with the reality on the ground,” he said.

xTwitter is again failing to properly handle the disinformation flows, which cause dangerous tension.

Many have seen the news of violent ethnic (white supremacist) riots in the UK, because of the Tesla CEO being one of the worst offenders, but few have exposed this similar xTwitter campaign in Bangladesh.

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