WSJ: “Tesla’s camera-based technology… putting the public at risk.”

It’s been said by experts for over five years now, and finally is making major headlines. Tesla intentionally designed its cars to be less safe, far worse than other brands, and has put the public in grave danger.

Video and data gathered by the Wall Street Journal from over 200 Tesla Autopilot crashes reveals that longstanding concerns about Tesla’s camera-based technology, which differs from the rest of the industry, are showing up on the roads and putting the public at risk.⁠

Just the fact that the CEO loudly promised nearly every earnings call since 2014 that his Autopilot product will eliminate all crashes, yet over 50 people have died and 200 crashes were just easily sourced by a journalist, should be enough to ban the fraudulent carmaker.

Source: My presentation at MindTheSec 2021

The difference here, as opposed to when two people were killed by Tesla Autopilot in 2016 for example, seems to be that “financial analysts” are today echoing what safety experts have said all along.

The Model Y accelerated through an intersection as the car in front of us had only partly completed a right turn. My quick intervention was absolutely required to avoid an otherwise certain accident. [And it took the Tesla 40 seconds to notice I had] turned my head completely away from the road. […] Finally, in a section of our route, the highway was curvy and narrow, and had a solid white line separating lanes, signaling a prohibition against lane changes. Still, the Model Y switched lanes twice under that condition.

This review of FSD was just posted by a Tesla investor who clearly found the car is less capable of avoiding crashes than one made in 2016.

Think about such danger to the public as the long-time reality that investors shamefully ignored. Nearly a decade has passed with little to no improvements on a system that a CEO promised would be flawless by 2018 at the latest! The notion that this test had to be done in 2024, that Tesla has any investors at all anymore, is simply evidence of a massive fraud.

The Tesla CEO has said for almost a decade that full autonomy would likely happen ‘this year.’ Musk’s robotaxi initiative ‘relies on self-driving technology Musk has long promised but repeatedly failed to deliver.’

Without fraud there would be no Tesla.

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