Politician in AZ Tesla Going 2X Speed Limit Claims Special Immunity From Laws

Update: criminal charges have been filed.

There’s no question that many, if not all, Tesla owners think buying their poorly designed low quality car from a conman gives them a special talisman or magic token of immunity from accountability (being above any laws, including laws of physics).

In this new Arizona case, the mysticism driving such lawless thinking is not even hidden or subtle.

On the evening of March 15, Tucson police officer Ryder Schrage clocked Wadsack driving her Tesla Model S at 71 mph in a 35 mph zone on Speedway Boulevard. When pulled over, Wadsack identified herself as a senator and told the officer she was “racing home” because her car’s battery was low. The officer did not issue a citation at the time due to Wadsack’s claim of legislative immunity, which protects lawmakers from arrest or legal action while the legislature is in session.

She said low battery was why she was going at double the safe and prudent speed limit, which makes absolutely zero sense.

A low battery actually means she should have been going slowly to get more distance. Anyone who has watched an EV battery drain rate just a couple times knows this basic math.

Again, she literally thought the laws of physics didn’t apply to her because… magic fascist dust sold to her by Tesla.

Moreover, Tesla has notoriously lied about battery range. So her claim (if anyone actually believed her lies) basically would mean Tesla owners will be speeding unsafely all the time due to intentional design flaws. Genius! “Officer I have to break the law of the land because Elon Musk told me the laws of nature aren’t real.”

To make matters worse, when the Police later tried to explain to this “legislator” how real law and order works, she claimed that the simple act of rule enforcement is political persecution of whites.

If anyone believed her nonsense, they would probably also be in opposition to even the most basic theory of law and order (e.g. they would be fascists planning to overthrow government and remove all rules, in order to replace it with a white male dictator making all the decisions including special immunity).

When you read the case details, and look carefully at what she is really saying about solitary political individuals rising magically above the law, it seems she actually should be charged with treason among other crimes.

She’s now purportedly living in one of her campaign donors’ homes, which is a mile inside Legislative District 17 and fulfills her statutory duty to live in her district. Her family home is in a Democrat-heavy district where Republicans stand little chance of winning.

She had allegedly falsely claimed her home was targeted by anti-fascists (which tends to be an admission of fascism). Why did she make such provably-false claims? The victimization propaganda was only needed to cover-up her targeted move to a temporary apartment in a new district, to qualify for a plush non-job in government, which she then got caught criminally speeding towards.

She literally intentionally broke campaign laws using false claims of victimization, planning for her Tesla to facilitate it with more law breaking.

Without fraud there would be no Tesla.

And without the push-button Tesla this white supremacist anti-democracy politician would not have been so egregiously breaking so many laws.

In related news, from just after the Civil War, the U.S. President said he himself should accept a speeding ticket because the rule of law matters, especially laws of nature.

Grant seems to have been skeptical as to whether he could be legally arrested but took these episodes good naturedly. He accepted the judgment of the courts when fines were levied against him.

One of the most brilliant minds and best leaders in history, the lessons of President Grant should mandatory learning in American schools. He ended the Civil War, and then he upended patronage by chasing corruption, created civil rights, the national parks and the department of justice. He represents everything that these lawless Tesla owners hate — social good, effective governance and accountability.

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