Tesla Hit-and-Run Kills Small Child, and Yet Another Pedestrian Killed

The Dawn Project keeps reporting that Tesla “runs down children” on the road. That truth doesn’t seem to stop Tesla from selling cars to the kind of people who would run over a child and then flee.

And so in the news now we have tragic stories like this one:

The Oklahoma Highway Patrol responded to a fatal collision in the northbound and southbound lanes of I-35 that resulted in the death of a small child. […] The passenger came to a rest in the southbound lanes of I-35. An unknown black Tesla struck the passenger and after coming to a brief stop, fled the scene driving southbound.

In related news, another pedestrian was just killed by Tesla.

Around 2:35 p.m., callers reported that a man had run onto the freeway and was struck by a white Tesla just north of Birmingham Drive…

As dear readers of this blog may recall (hi mom!), I’ve said for many years now that Tesla would increasingly kill pedestrians.

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