Cybertruck “frunk” Malfunction: Customer Says Tesla Drilled New Holes to Open It

A new Cybertruck customer was absolutely thrilled to take delivery of his brand new $100K Tesla vehicle until, like many other owners complaining loudly to social media, he ran into a serious malfunction… and another one… and another one…

If they have to drill to open a new frunk can it be called the Tesla… drunk?

I’ll be here all week.

But seriously, is there some kind of humiliation fetish going on here where people aim to generate attention through posting how horrible a Cybertruck experience is with all the terrible things they have to suffer because of it?

I’m reminded of a San Francisco woman who thought she’d attract readers by writing about taking a dining tour of the bottom ten worst-rated restaurants in the city, despite health-code violations and worse. After two or three she ended up in the hospital… writing about how stupidly unsafe her idea was.

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