That’s what people do when they see a tourist attraction

Correction, that’s what people used to do. It’s ok to look, just don’t record images as it might be interpreted as intent to cause harm. Information has literally become power. The Register has the scoop:

The FBI said Monday that it had no information to indicate that the men in custody had any ties to terrorist organisations, the Associated Press reports. Nevertheless, the local police and prosecutors seem persuaded that they’ve foiled a dastardly plot, and appear prepared, for now, to go through with the prosecutions.

Additionally, photos of the five-mile long Mackinac Bridge were found in a digital camera belonging to one of the suspects, prompting local authorities to imagine it was a target.

A lawyer defending the men told the AP that the photos were tourist snapshots taken while the men were stuck in traffic. “That’s what people do when they see a tourist attraction: they take pictures,” the wire service quotes him as saying.

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