Tesla Fails Basic Environmental Safety Tests, Courts Rule

The environmental regulators of California keep finding Tesla engaged in illegal toxic harms.

In February, a California judge ordered the company to pay $1.5 million as part of a settlement of a civil case alleging the company mishandled hazardous waste at its car service centers, energy centers and a factory.

That was just a few months ago, when Tesla told prosecutors it would do better. Now this:

Tesla has been ordered to fix air quality problems at one of its electric vehicle manufacturing facilities.

The car maker racked up more than 100 violations for allegedly releasing toxic emissions into the atmosphere from the San Francisco Bay plant over the past five years, an air quality board said on Tuesday.

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District planned to issue a written abatement order later this week after Tuesday’s announcement.

Each of the 112 violations can emit hundreds of pounds of illegal air pollution, the board said

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