Florida SWAT Turn Neighborhood Into War Zone to Detain Peaceful Sleeping Man

This reads like a sitcom pitch, or even a Monty Python skit. Excessively over-militarized SWAT tactics for a simple arrest are contrasted with a roommate saying he was trying to meditate.

The sound of flash grenades echoed in the community as the SWAT team exercised their entry techniques. They used their armored cars to remove a vehicle from the driveway and another to gain access to the home. “Me leaving my house to go to my first morning meditation session with a client, with assault rifles in my face. ‘So how did it feel?’ It was [expletive] up,” said Kashi. …the suspect might have been sleeping when officials arrived and wasn’t coherent enough to hear the phone or instruction from the police to come outside of the home. “He wasn’t answering the phone for an hour. He was laying there nodding off,” said Kashi.

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