Tesla Investor Spreads Dangerous FSD “Head-On Collision Avoidance” Disinformation

As someone who records nearly weekly head-on collisions by Tesla into other cars, I was of course asked to evaluate claims being made on the Nazi-addled Swastika platform that Tesla FSD can prevent the very thing it repeatedly fails to prevent.

Let me start by saying my first review of this new video evidence that was posted by “CyberMikeOG” showed a car NOT approaching the Tesla head-on at full speed, but rather a confused car slowly creeping along a lane to the side.

FSD12.3.6 (Supervised) saved me this morning at 5:40am from a potential head on collision. A driver pulled out onto a west bound roadway and turned right into my lane. My car quickly moved over as if nothing was wrong and continued in my lane. I believe they were intoxicated. Could not get license but I’m grateful for @Tesla and it’s team of engineers for making a product that will save millions of lives. @tesla_na @Tesla_AI @elonmusk @WholeMarsBlog @SawyerMerritt

These claims sound like total bullshit to me, after watching the video. My first thought was that this text must be generated by a Tesla investor desperate to pump and dump stock.

“Saved me”?

“My car quickly moved over”?

Both are factually false statements.

I watched many times to carefully time the Tesla as it continued driving directly at a growing hazard in front of it, until it almost crashes and then panics. It appeared to me the person in the Tesla driver’s seat must have been asleep or distracted, because there’s no way a human would have maintained full speed in the same lane the way FSD does in the video.

Here is the final frame, several crucial seconds after the car was first seen.

It begs the question why the Tesla kept driving at full speed for several seconds after it first observed a car enter the wrong direction and pose a danger, instead of slowing down, stopping or moving away completely by changing lanes.

At 0:16 the car is blocking the lane and at 0:18 you can see a scene that immediately should have initiated evasive action. My reaction right then is to slow down and direct myself towards the right shoulder, but FSD waits, and waits and waits.

FSD thus seems blind as it reacts far too late, at the very last second due to obvious failures to observe risk.

The Tesla swerves harshly to the right as if surprised, when objectively a safer more controlled maneuver is overdue. It was about to crash into a car so close that it had to swerve an inch, because it didn’t react sooner.

Note that swerving a little bit in a last second looks less like a head-on collision risk than a side-swipe. Nevertheless, Tesla should never have continued driving at high speed without immediate reaction.

In other words, this is evidence of failure, not a success. FSD puts people FAR MORE AT RISK than just a human at the wheel because of overconfidence, such as continuing to drive straight at a car on the wrong side of the road.

17 June 2024 actual test results:

Tesla Full Self-Driving is far less safe than an average human driver.

Tesla owners (who clearly aren’t paying attention) will attempt to frame these failures as success, which is the same problem I’ve seen since April 2016. Joshua Brown made this exact analytic mistake and as a result he was killed by Tesla a couple weeks later.

Has Tesla improved “self-driving” since 2016? This video proves to me that it has NOT. And it definitely does NOT prevent head-on collisions. My research indicates that FSD is to blame for head-on collisions.

Tesla FSD nearly crashing head-on into a police car.

Now for the obvious question why this Swastika profile was compelled to drive dangerously distracted by FSD and then post very dangerous disinformation about FSD capabilities…? Take a look at the CyberMikeOG profile description on Twitter:

Elon Musk enthusiast and $TSLA long term investor since 2012.

He’s a Tesla stock investor, who will profit from disinformation about FSD.

Or, perhaps more to the point, this profile might be part of a coordinated stock pump and dump effort.

Lying about Tesla should not go unnoticed? Ok then. Take a look in the mirror? It’s almost as if the tweets are saying stock prices are just a reflection of whatever the CEO says, not based in reality.

Where does that supposed April 5th, 2024 “stock crash” figure into the price? Here’s the six month view:

And here’s yet more evidence of stock manipulation going on from the top, based on dangerous disinformation about car safety.

Tesla regularly run red lights and blow stop signs, meaning that this PR work is terribly unregulated and dangerous fraud. Even worse, Elon Musk regularly fraudulently promotes drunk driving with FSD as safe.

Related: Tesla blows stop signs and red lights.

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