African Dictator: Elon Musk’s Life of Censorship, Fraud and Self-Praise

Elon Musk is rolling out some of the most obvious self-dealing censorship controls in history.

Here is how the supposed “top story” looks now on Twitter, reminiscent of weak leaders who fraudulently heap praise upon themselves to appear like something they are not.

That’s pure disinformation.

Out of all the news in the world, this is the propaganda Twitter is now pushing. Allegedly generated by “AI”, automating such text is arguably worse than anything I’ve seen in 40 years of studying the problem.

A petty, cruel and corrupt African dictator, in bed with Russia and China, is what Musk seems to emulate, and how he will be remembered… or perhaps why he will be quickly forgotten like the C Squadron of Rhodesia.

For what it’s worth, Musk (as exposed by new fraud allegations) has literally described himself as the emperor, one who sits on top of a pyramid.

Meanwhile on Reddit, an army of “moderators” are busy erasing speech that challenges Musk’s elephantine fraud. Given Musk is obsessively online curating his following, it’s reasonable to assume at least some of the moderator accounts on his subreddits are actually him.

For example, when Musk worried publicly how a high profile conviction for fraud in America means that Musk also could be convicted of crimes…

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