New “Data-Driven” Nissan LEAF Coming Soon in UK

Nissan “Chill Out” concept the 2026 LEAF is expected to move into production.

The best EV in history, including being the first mass-produced and best-selling, is getting a major refresh. But perhaps most notable is how Nissan talks about the changes it is making to LEAF manufacturing and why.

…Nissan is ramping up efforts to source renewable energy locally. Currently, 20% of the factory’s energy usage – which totals around 350MW a week – comes from on-site wind and solar farms. The firm wants to boost this to 100%, but has not given a timeframe for achieving that.

Asked why Nissan chose to stick with Sunderland in light of the increased costs, Johnson said: “We are here. We’ve got an asset here. That’s not just facilities. That’s also the people. Therefore, it is in our interest to get the best out of the assets that we have.”

There’s an independence and science behind this car company, which could be why the LEAF turns in close to 100% owner satisfaction in Norway where people only drive EV.

…a data-driven efficiency push – as a key factor in the factory’s ongoing viability…

Data-driven humanists, as if to say they are practicing social science. It’s the future.

People love this car and the maker clearly loves people.

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