Tesla Quietly Admits in 2023 Autopilot Isn’t Ready For Public Roads

Flashback to 2016 when Tesla very confidently said more of their cars on the road would mean less injury, an absolute and total lie.

As more real-world miles accumulate and the software logic accounts for increasingly rare events, the probability of injury will keep decreasing. Autopilot is getting better all the time…

Yeah, no. What do we call the opposite of that false prediction? Deaths have become increasingly common because of Tesla design and manufacturing defects.

Source: Tesladeaths.com

A new Tesla job post in Chicago is very revealing how Tesla is now in a panic state, rebooting like they don’t know what to do, while gaslighting tactics are still their thing.

Job Type: Full-time […] This is an at-will, temporary position. The assignment is expected to last 3 months.

Nothing says full-time like being a temporary position. What is seasonal about driving in America? As if people had a choice to not use their cars based on the seasons.

It’s a temp job, not being setup to be paid fairly as a temp job. The simple math is temp staff are paid overtime (1.5X hourly wage) for any time worked over 40 hours per week.

Tesla wants to demand a lot of hours of work per day, yet will not pay per hour. Tesla will demand a lot of learning and sharing of information, yet will throw the learner and sharer out after three months.

To be fair, Tesla might not expect the person to live longer than 90 days. Benefits should describe the funeral and burial a Tesla temp driver’s family should expect.

The role is a high-risk extreme danger robot operator.

Job Category: Autopilot & Robotics […] Operate a vehicle in a designated area for data collection […] Minimum 4 years of licensed driving experiences

This is truly fascinating because the whole basis of Tesla dumping it’s unfinished and mislabeled “Autopilot” into public roads was that it could be operated by anyone with almost no experience or restrictions.

Now, after years of mounting fatalities from “veered” collisions, Tesla quietly is bringing in unskilled temp drivers?

What is it about Tesla owners’ driving that has the company so worried now, such that they’re paying people behind the scenes to be their drivers instead?

  • Illinois
  • Minnesota
  • Utah
  • Texas
  • Colorado
  • Washington
  • California
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • New York
  • Arizona
  • Massachusetts

Why so few states? And why only four years of experience? Is that the skill level you want behind your driverless robot?

Not me.

Four years is not even beginner level for driving expertise, let alone vehicle knowledge required to assess “proper working order”.

Remember how Tesla based its marketing on robots having huge amounts of driving experience, arguing we shouldn’t trust drivers with just a few years?

Now they’re hiring drivers in isolated environments with almost no expertise.

So to recap, it’s full-time yet temporary, driverless yet driving, with beginner driving experience expected to be a road expert/trainer for “quality”.

Gaslighting. The literal opposite to quality.

It reads to me like Tesla has had no idea what it’s been doing and has started to panic now due to regulators noticing fraud. Like a college student trying to hire other students as tutors to pass final exams after wasting four years on partying.

Why hire a dedicated driver today if the entire promise of autopilot was supposed to manifest through the quick and early years of needlessly throwing away the lives of any and every Tesla owner? That promise must have been false.

I think we may be witnessing that Tesla knows its robots are only getting worse over time, but they don’t understand why.

How many people would still be alive today if Tesla had not deployed such a faulty robot design? And can an inexperienced temp worker really bring the unnecessary Tesla fatality rate down?


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