Do you have a bot army and need a place to crush human opinion? Welcome to Delaware.
Legislators have cast the change as a fix for low turnout in municipal elections and a way to attract business owners to the community.
“These are folks that have fully invested in their community with the money, with their time, with their sweat. We want them to have a voice if they choose to take it,” Seaford mayor David Genshaw told local station WRDE. Genshaw cast the deciding vote in a split City Council decision on the charter amendment in April, according to The Lever.
Think that’s bad? It gets worse.
Snyder-Hall noted that the legislation only outlaws double voting for human residents of Seaford, permitting it for out-of-town business owners. […] In 2019, it was revealed that a single property manager who controlled multiple LLCs voted 31 times in a Newark, Delaware, town referendum…
Amateur. A proper bot army would have stuffed votes into the thousands, just like early America when slaveowners claimed their “property” entitled them to more votes.
Anyone familiar with “Bleeding Kansas” knows where ballot stuffing by violent aristocrats ends up. There were about 300 registered voters in Leavenworth County, Kickapoo township, when votes there very suspiciously reached 900 to expand slavery… in the 1850s. And technically Kickapoo wasn’t supposed to have been dealing with such an important election, except Senator Douglas had stupidly repealed a 1820 ban on slavery (Missouri compromise) in 1854.
Can Delaware support dualing governments? Can it stop violent robot owners once it turns unlimited votes over to them?