Ho! Ho! Jefferson D

From “Poet’s Corner” in the Third Cavalry Division Chronicle” of Monday, March 6th, 1865.

How do you like it as far as you’ve got?
Jefferson D, Jefferson D,
Are you glad you began it, or do you wish you had not?
Jefferson, Jefferson D.
People say, though of course I don’t know that it’s so,
That your spirits are getting decidedly low,
That you’re sick and discouraged and don’t know what,
But say though — do you like it as far as you’ve got.
Ho! Ho! Jefferson D,
Things look rather shaky now
‘Twixt you and me.
You can’t think how sorry I was when I heard,
Jefferson D, Jefferson D,
That your visit to Washington had been deferred,
Jefferson, Jefferson D,
But I hope you will find it convenient to come
When Abe and the rest of the boys are at home
And I trust you won’t mind it, they’re such a lot,
If they ask you how you like it as far as you’ve got.
Ho! Ho! Jefferson D.

Also of note is the following advertisement poking fun at Confederates who both advertised for whereabouts of their escaped slaves, while also tending themselves to run away.

“Two Dollars Reward, Confederate Currency,” for the whereabouts of “Jube, answering to the name of Early,” [i.e., Confederate general Jubal A. Early] and One Cent Reward for General [Thomas L.] Rosser.

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