At this rate, I must learn Spanish, or at least work on ferreting the words out myself from the poems of Benedetti; his writing is so compelling…until then, translations by Katya Rascovsky:
2 la muerte invade de vez en cuando el sueño y hace sus cálculos |
death invades sleep from time to time and makes its calculations |
66 en todo idilio una boca hay que besa y otra es besada |
in every love affair there is a mouth that kisses and another that is kissed |
143 el preso sueña algo que siempre tiene forma de llave |
the prisoner dreams something that always has the form of a key |
172 la poesía dice honduras que a veces la prosa calla |
poetry conveys depths that sometimes prose silences |
213 un pesimista es sólo un optimista bien informado |
a pessimist is just an optimist who is well informed |
130 me gustaría ser noble y elegante como un pingüino |
i would like to be noble and elegant like a penguin |