Muscle IDs

Anyone who’s fired a pistol knows that they get a “muscle memory” from the grip. Well, the latest biometrics are being considered for pistols in order to authorize the person who grabs the grip, based on their muscles. Grab a hold of one and fire a few rounds and it should be able to distinguish you from anyone else.

Makes a lot of sense, and it could perhaps be useful in other high-risk pursuits where you need to get a grip on things (to protect assets, reduce vulnerabilities, or mitigate threats…or a combination of the three). The only down-side, of course, is that if you become tied to the device meant to be disabled without you…well, you are actually now part of the device and the risk that goes with it. So if you are the only person who can fire the pistol, then you may be actually forced to use it in a way that you wouldn’t if it could be used without you. The risk matrix changes. It never goes away. Anyway, an interesting update to the possibilities out there for authorization controls.

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